A training program cum study visits to different institutes in the Philippines engaged in services for Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) was administered to four Afghan officials by CPSC in collaboration with the Swedish Committee for Afghanistan (SCA) and Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, Martyrs and Disabled (MoLSAMD), Afghanistan. Dr. HazratHussain, Faculty Consultant and Coordinator of the Program, on behalf of the Director General, welcomed the delegates and provided briefing on schedule of the program. Both SCA and MoLSAMD representatives lauded the efforts of CPSC for its continuing services to Afghanistan, especially the arrangements for this particular program.
![]() CPSC DG, Faculty and Staff with the Afghan participants |
Afghanistan, being signatory to the UN Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD-2005) and having a sizeable portion of PWDs among the population due to conflicts and war for the last three decades, is now committed to mainstream these PWDs to the social and economic fabric of the country through various programs and projects for rehabilitation.
![]() Visit to TWH |
![]() Visit to NVRC |
![]() Visit to NCDA |
In an effort to advance the makeshift interventions into a properly structured Technical and Vocational Training programs that integrates into the National Qualifications, these study visits were arranged to different institutes, namely National Council for Disability Affairs (NCDA), National Vocational Rehabilitation Centre (NVRC), Tahanang Walang Hagdanan (TWH) and Department of Trade and Industry (DTI).
Briefing during the visit to NCDA encompassed the statutory provisions, laws, policy guidelines and national directions for PWDs in the Philippines. The NCDA is tasked to formulate policies and monitor the implementation of laws to mainstream and ensure the protection of PWDs’ civil and political rights.
At NVRC, the delegates were briefed on how to provide vocational training appropriate to the type of disability and provide support to trainees and opportunities on how to get employed.
At TWH, delegates observed the provisions in architectural design of the buildings for PWDs to facilitate their mobility and performance of jobs and activities at the workplace. The Centre trains and employs PWDs to produce tables and chairs, mobility aids, eco-products, kitchen wares, novelty items, Christmas cards and even packaging of pharmaceutical products.
During visit to the Department of Trade and Industry, the delegates were briefed about the different policy directions and programs for empowering PWDs to increase self-worth, confidence and competency, increase employment, and increase engagement on entrepreneurship.
The program also included visits to the cultural and historical sites in the Philippines.
The closing ceremony was graced by the Director General of CPSC, Dr. Mohammad Naim Yaakub followed by the Awarding of Certificates. As feedback, Mr. Sultan Hazrat Gul from SCA and Mr. Nasir Ahmad Sakhi, Director of Curriculum for National Skills Development Project, Government of Afghanistan, termed the whole program as successful and highly useful for future formulation of the strategies and plans of Vocational Training programs for PWDs in Afghanistan.
![]() DG of CPSC, Dr.Naim delivering the closing speech |
![]() DG of CPSC, Dr.Naim presenting the certificates |