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Member Since 1973

Partner Ministry/Organization
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Address of Embassy in Manila
Embassy of the Republic of Singapore in Manila
No. 505 Rizal Drive, Bonifacio Global City, 1634 Taguig City, Philippines

Participation in Regional Programs (2018-2024)
  • 2022 CPSC-BFIC Busan Global Training Program on Digital and Infrastructure Transformation on Engineering, Design and Pedagogy in TVET: Smart City Transportation with ITS Model (Phase 1), November 14-18, 2022, Online, in collaboration with Busan Foundation for International Cooperation (BFIC)
  • Regional Program on Industry-Institute Partnership for Relevant TVET Program, June 21-25, 2021, Online RP
  • Regional Program on Developing Context Based Vocational Pedagogy, April 26-30, 2021, Online RP
  • Regional Program on Innovation in TVET Management, March 22-26, 2021, Online RP
  • Regional Program on Innovation in Curriculum Development Integrating ICT and Digital Skills,
    February 15-19, 2021, Online RP
  • Regional Program on Innovating TVET by Developing Digital Contents Using ICT Tools,
    February 1-5, 2021, Online RP
  • Regional Program on Greening TVET for Sustainable Development, December 14-18, 2020, Online RP
  • Regional Program on Quality and Sustainable TVET and International Conference on Skills in TVET for Sustainability, October 8-10, 2018, Chennai, India, in collaboration with National Institute of Technical Teachers' Training and Research (NITTTR)-Chennai

Recent Programs Held (2018-2024)
  • Joint-Training Programme on Greening TVET for Sustainable Development (May 6-10)

  • CPSC-SCP Joint Program on TVET IR4.0: Leadership Training Program (October 9-13)

  • Regional Program on TVET IR 4.0: Leadership Training Programme (September 26-30)

  • CPSC Joint Training Programme on The Thinking Hands Story – Singapore Skills Transformation 4.0 (July 23-30)

  • Online Regional Program on TVET in Industry 4.0: Threats and Opportunities (October 19-23)

  • MFA Singapore-CPSC Joint Training Program on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET): The Singapore Experience (May 13-17)

  • Regional Program on Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET):
    The Singapore Experience (March 5-9)

Singapore Flag

Official Name
Republic of Singapore

Land Area
734.3 km²

Country Borders
Malaysia (north)
Indonesia (south)





National Holiday
9 August 1965 (Separation from the Federation of Malaya)

Photo courtesy of TODAY

No. of Years - Primary Education
6 years

No. of Years - Secondary Education
4 to 6 years

No. of Years - Post-Secondary Education
1 to 3 years

Ministry of Supervising Education
Ministry of Education

Logos of Ministry of Education, Singapore (left) and Institute for Technical Education (right)

Agency Handling TVET
Ministry of Education
Institute for Technical Education

Formal TVET System
The formal TVET system in Singapore follows a structure that offers students programmes and courses in different education levels.
  • Technical courses are primarily offered at the secondary level (ISCED 2 and 3) and taught in normal technical schools with 4 years duration. Their admission requires students to complete primary education with the Primary School Leaving Examination.
  • TVET programmes are also being offered at the post-secondary non-tertiary education level (ISCED 4). This usually takes two to three years as taught in Institute of Technical Education (ITE) and Polytechnics. Students have to complete their secondary education with the respective qualification (GCE O-Level, GCE N(A) Level, GCE N(T) Level or Alternative Qualifications) to be admitted in this programme level.
  • At tertiary level, TVET programmes are offered in Polytechnics and expected to equip students within the three-year duration. These programmes prepare the students in their chosen career after their completion of studies.

Qualification Framework
The Singapore Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ) is a national credentialing system. It trains, develops, assesses and recognizes individuals for the key competencies that companies look for in potential employees. WSQ also ensures workers acquire skills needed by employers at the workplace, following the standards developed by the Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA) and their industry partners which serve to:
  • Professionalize the industry, particularly where recognition of continuing Education and Training (CET) qualifications are lacking;
  • Improve labor mobility allowing companies in growing industries to easily recruit workers with the necessary skills whilst improving opportunities for workers to enter these industries The WSQ system is designed to be a practical, accessible and affordable launching pad for individuals to take charge of their own careers and advancement.

Level of WQS

TVET Financing
The Ministry of Education (MOE) funds all educational institutions including TVET institutes and polytechnics. However, this may vary depending on type and level of education. In the year of 2015, the amount spent on one TVET student per year was equal to about $ 12,000 (about US$ 8,830).

Gold, Export and Import in Singapore
Photo courtesy of Mining.com

2.1% (2024)

Singaporean Dollar (SGD)

Major Exports
Integrated Circuits ($77B)
Refined Petroleum ($40.8B)
Gold ($18.6B)
Packaged Medicaments ($10.4B)
Machinery Having Individual Functions ($8.33B)

Major Imports
Integrated Circuits ($65.2B)
Refined Petroleum ($50B)
Crude Petroleum ($22.5B)
Gold ($15.1B)
Gas Turbines ($7.43B)

Major Export Partners
China ($56.8B)
Hong Kong ($54.5B)
United States ($28.1B)
Malaysia ($27.7B)
Indonesia ($18.4B)

Major Import Partners
China ($53.9B)
Malaysia ($49.6B)
Chinese Taipei ($34.1B)
United States ($32.5B)
Japan ($18.2B)

H.E. Tharman Shanmugaratnam, 2021
Photo courtesy of European University Institute

Type of Government
Unitary Parliamentary Republic

Head of State
His Excellency Tharman Shanmugaratnam
President Republic of Singapore

Head of Government
Mr. Lee Hsien Loong
Prime Minister

Branches of Government
The Legislature (President and Parliament)
The Executive (Cabinet Ministers and office-holders, led by the Prime Minister)
The Judiciary

Vesak Day, 2018
Photo courtesy of The Strait Times

Literacy Rate
97.13% (2020)

Country Code

ISO Code

Internet TLD

Other Important Holidays
Chinese New Year
Hari Raya Puasa (April 10)
Labor Day (May 1)
Vesak Day (May 22)
Hari Raya Hajj (June 17)
Deepavali (October 31)

  • https://www.singstat.gov.sg/publications/reference/ebook/society/environment
  • https://www.cornelsen.de/sites/nhl/around_the_world/04_01.html
  • https://ncee.org/country/singapore/
  • https://educationdestinationasia.com/essential-guide/singapore/school-education-system-in-singapore
  • https://www.mti.gov.sg/Newsroom/Press-Releases/2024/01/Singapore-GDP-Grew-by-2_8-Per-Cent-in-the-Fourth-Quarter-of-2023-and-by-1_2-Per-Cent-in-2023
  • https://unevoc.unesco.org/pub/tvet_country_profile_-_singapore_revised_may_2020_final.pdf
  • https://oec.world/en/profile/country/sgp
  • https://www.mfa.gov.sg/Overseas-Mission/Washington/About-Singapore
  • https://www.info.dfat.gov.au/info/hog/hog.nsf/ListSpecific?OpenForm&ExpandView&RestrictToCategory=Singapore
  • https://www.parliament.gov.sg/about-us/structure/system-of-government
  • https://www.theglobaleconomy.com/Singapore/literacy_rate/
  • https://www.guidemesingapore.com/business-guides/immigration/get-to-know-singapore/singapore-holidays-and-festivals-guide
  • https://unevoc.unesco.org/pub/tvet_country_profile_-_singapore_revised_may_2020_final.pdf