Member Since 1973

Partner Ministry/Organization
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade
Ministry of Education and Skills Development (MoESD)

Honorary Consulate of Bhutan in Manila
Honorary Consulate of Bhutan in Manila, Philippines
c/o Alternergy, 111 Paseo de Roxas Bldg., Level 3 B, Makati.

Participation in Regional Programs (2018-2024)
  • Joint-Training Programme on Greening TVET for Sustainable Development, May 6-10, 2024, Singapore, in collaboration with Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), Singapore; Singapore Cooperation Programme (SCP); ITE-Education Services (ITEES) Singapore
  • Regional Program on Navigating the Future of TVET: Addressing Challenges and Fostering Positive Change, December 4-6, 2023, Santa Rosa, Laguna, Philippines, in collaboration with Toyota Motor Philippines Foundation, Inc. (TMPF); Toyota Motor Philippines School of Technology (TMP Tech)
  • Regional Program on Empowering TVET Sector through Digitalization and Climate Resilient Skills for Sustainable Development, October 16-20, 2023, Manila, Philippines, in collaboration with Asian Development Bank (ADB)
  • Regional Program on Role of Business Incubators in Encapsulating Sustainable Development: A TVET Perspective, September 4-8, 2023, Chandigarh, India, in collaboration with National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTR)-Chandigarh
  • Regional Program on Leadership for Sustainable TVET and Senior Executive Conference for CPSC Strategic Plan 2023-2028, December 12-16, 2022, Bangkok, Thailand, in collaboration with Office of Vocational Education Commission (OVEC)
  • 2022 CPSC-BFIC Busan Global Training Program on Digital and Infrastructure Transformation on Engineering, Design and Pedagogy in TVET: Smart City Transportation with ITS Model (Phase 1), November 14-18, 2022, Online, in collaboration with Busan Foundation for International Cooperation (BFIC)
  • Regional Program on TVET Strategic Planning and Experts' Meeting for the CPSC Strategic Plan 2023-2028, November 7-11, 2022, Shah Alam, Malaysia, in collaboration with Department of Polytechnic and Community Colleges (DPCCE)
  • Regional Program on Industry-Institute Partnership for Relevant TVET Program, June 21-25, 2021, Online RP
  • Regional Program on Innovation in Curriculum Development Integrating ICT and Digital Skills,
    February 15-19, 2021, Online RP
  • Regional Program on Innovating TVET by Developing Digital Contents Using ICT Tools,
    February 1-5, 2021, Online RP
  • Regional Program on Greening TVET for Sustainable Development, December 14-18, 2020, Online RP
  • Regional Program on Strategic Plan Development to Ensure Quality Management System,
    November 23-27, 2020, Online RP
  • Regional Program on Effective Methods of TVET Curriculum Development to Integrate 21st Century Skills,
    September 21-25, 2020, Online RP
  • Regional Program on Equipping Digital Competencies in TVET to Address IR 4.0,
    August 24-28, 2020, Online RP
  • Regional Program on Quality Assurance in TVET and APACC Strategic Planning,
    October 21-25, 2019, Manila, Philippines
  • Regional Program on Skilling TVET in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0,
    August 25-29, 2019, Manila, Philippines
  • Regional Program on Sustainable (Green) Skills and Employability through TVET,
    April 22-26, 2019, Manila, Philippines
  • Regional Program on TVET for Socio-Economic Transformation and International Conference on Innovations in TVET for Socio-Economic Development, October 1-3, 2018, Kathmandu, Nepal, in collaboration with the Diploma Engineers Association (DEAN)-Nepal; and Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT)

Recent Programs Held (2018-2023)
  • In-Country Program for Bhutan on Embracing Digital Learning in TVET (May 8-12)

  • Training of Trainers on Automotive Technology Using Virtual TVET (February 14-17)
  • Training of Trainers on Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (HVAC) Using Virtual TVET (August 22-25)

  • In-Country Program on the Role of Accreditation in Achieving Quality-Assured TVET Programs (April 1-5)

Country Flag

Official Name
Kingdom of Bhutan

Land Area
38,394 km²

Country Borders
Tibet Autonomous Region of China (north and northwest)
India (south)


Mahayana Buddhism



Major Language/s

National Holiday
December 17, 1919 (Coronation of Ugyen Wangchuck as the first Druk Gyalpo of modern Bhutan)

Photo courtesy of Joan Thompson

No. of Years - Primary Education
6 years

No. of Years - Middle School
2 years

No. of Years - Secondary Education
4 years

No. of Years - Tertiary Education
3 to 4 years

Ministry of Supervising Education
Ministry of Education, Department of Adult and Higher Education

Logo of Ministry of Labour and Human Resources

Agency Handling TVET
Ministry of Labour and Human Resources (MoLHR)

Formal TVET System
TVET is offered at the secondary education level, and in order for students to prepare for it, they take pre-vocational subjects in accordance with the local needs and the availability of equipment, local traditions, indigenous knowledge and skills. Students need to pass the examination to proceed with general upper secondary or vocational and technical education. Approximately, TVET programmes vary from six months to two years, in which the subjects are linked to the economical needs of Bhutan.

There are elective courses that focus on skills development of the following key industries:
  • Infrastructure: hydrogenation, power transmission and distribution, construction;
  • Services: tourism, healthcare, education, information technology (IT), financial services;
  • Manufacturing: cement, herbal products; and
  • Royal Civil Service Commission (government)

Qualification Framework
Bhutan Vocational Qualifications Framework (BQF) serves as a point of reference for all qualifications and contains information on qualifications for various local and international stakeholders.
  1. Establish and maintain BQF for the development, recognition and award of qualifications, based on knowledge, skills and competence acquired by learners;
  2. Establish and promote the maintenance and improvement of the standards of further education and training awards in Higher education, TVET, general education, Islamic education and Basic education; and
  3. Promote and facilitate access, transfer and progression within the national education system.

Level of NVQS

Source: Ministry of Labour and Human Resources (2013).

TVET Financing
Formal TVET programmes offered by middle and upper secondary education level vocational education and technical training institutes are funded by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labour and Human Resources. Other actors involved in financing non-formal TVET programmes include the private sector through public-private partnership (PPP) and Employee Education and Training Funds (EEFE), and other national governments

Ferroalloys, Export in Bhutan
Photo courtesy of IndiaMART

3% (2024)

Bhutanese Ngultrum
Indian Rupee

Major Exports
Ferroalloys ($224M)
Dolomite ($30.9M)
Planes, Helicopters, and/or Spacecraft ($17M)
Cement ($15.6M)
Gypsum ($15.1M)

Major Imports
Refined Petroleum ($105M)
Computers ($96.8M)
Coke ($36.7M)
Light Synthetic Cotton Fabrics ($35.8M)
Wood Charcoal ($35M)

Major Export Partners
India ($322M)
Nepal ($10.4M)
Italy ($6.16M)
South Korea ($1.45M)
Germany ($1.3M)

Major Import Partners
India ($868M)
China ($108M)
Thailand ($65.5M)
United Arab Emirates ($12.1M)
South Korea ($11M)

King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, 2019
Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Type of Government
Democratic Constitutional Monarchy

Head of State
His Majesty King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck

Head of Government
Dr. Lotay Tshering
Prime Minister

Branches of Government
The Executive (Prime Minister is the Head of the Government)
The Judicial (Court of Appeal and Supreme Court)
The Legislative (National Council and National Assembly)

Celebration of Dashain, 2020
Photo courtesy of BBS Bhutan

Literacy Rate
72% (2022)
Source: The World Bank

Country Code

ISO Code

Internet TLD

Other Important Holidays
Traditional Day of Offerings (January 12)
Blessed Rainy Day (September 23)
Dashain (Nepali Festival)(October 12)
Constitution Day (November 11)
Descending Day of Lord Buddha (November 22)
