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Member Since 1973

Partner Ministry/Organization
Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education

Address of Embassy in Manila
2190 Paraiso, Makati, 1222 Metro Manila

Participation in Regional Programs (2018-2024)
  • Joint-Training Programme on Greening TVET for Sustainable Development, May 6-10, 2024, Singapore, in collaboration with Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), Singapore; Singapore Cooperation Programme (SCP); ITE-Education Services (ITEES) Singapore
  • Regional Program on Navigating the Future of TVET: Addressing Challenges and Fostering Positive Change, December 4-6, 2023, Santa Rosa, Laguna, Philippines, in collaboration with Toyota Motor Philippines Foundation, Inc. (TMPF); Toyota Motor Philippines School of Technology (TMP Tech)
  • Regional Program on Empowering TVET Sector through Digitalization and Climate Resilient Skills for Sustainable Development, October 16-20, 2023, Manila, Philippines, in collaboration with Asian Development Bank (ADB)
  • Regional Program on Revolutionalize TVET: Innovation in Transformational Pedagogy, Competency Building and International Collaboration, October 2-5, 2023, Johor, Malaysia, in collaboration with Universiti Tun Hussein Onn (UTHM); and Malaysia Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (MyRIVET)
  • Regional Program on Role of Business Incubators in Encapsulating Sustainable Development: A TVET Perspective, September 4-8, 2023, Chandigarh, India, in collaboration with National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTR)-Chandigarh
  • Regional Program on Leadership for Sustainable TVET and Senior Executive Conference for CPSC Strategic Plan 2023-2028, December 12-16, 2022, Bangkok, Thailand, in collaboration with Office of Vocational Education Commission (OVEC)
  • 2022 CPSC-BFIC Busan Global Training Program on Digital and Infrastructure Transformation on Engineering, Design and Pedagogy in TVET: Smart City Transportation with ITS Model (Phase 1), November 14-18, 2022, Online, in collaboration with Busan Foundation for International Cooperation (BFIC)
  • Regional Program on TVET Strategic Planning and Experts' Meeting for the CPSC Strategic Plan 2023-2028, November 7-11, 2022, Shah Alam, Malaysia, in collaboration with Department of Polytechnic and Community Colleges (DPCCE)
  • Regional Program on Developing Context Based Vocational Pedagogy, April 26-30, 2021, Online RP
  • Regional Program on Innovation in TVET Management, March 22-26, 2021, Online RP
  • Regional Program on Greening TVET for Sustainable Development, December 14-18, 2020, Online RP
  • Regional Program on Strategic Plan Development to Ensure Quality Management System,
    November 23-27, 2020, Online RP
  • Regional Program on Strengthening TVET Quality and Relevance through Institute-Industry Linkages, March 2-6, 2020, Pokhara, Nepal, in collaboration with Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT)-Nepal
  • Regional Program on Equipping Future Workforce with 21st Century and Technopreneurship Skills through Quality TVET Programs, February 2-6, 2020, Dhaka, Bangladesh, in collaboration with Institution of Diploma Engineers (IDEB)-Bangladesh
  • Regional Program on Quality Assurance in TVET and APACC Strategic Planning, October 21-25, 2019,
    Manila, Philippines
  • Regional Program on Skilling TVET in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0, August 25-29, 2019,
    Manila, Philippines
  • Regional Program on Entrepreneurship in TVET and International Conference on Skilling for Self-Employment, February 18-22, 2019, Chandigarh, India, in collaboration with National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTR)-Chandigarh
  • Regional Program on Quality and Sustainable TVET and International Conference on Skills in TVET for Sustainability, October 8-10, 2018, Chennai, India, in collaboration with National Institute of Technical Teachers' Training and Research (NITTTR)-Chennai
  • Regional Program on TVET for Socio-Economic Transformation and International Conference on Innovations in TVET for Socio-Economic Development, October 1-3, 2018, Kathmandu, Nepal, in collaboration with the Diploma Engineers Association (DEAN)-Nepal; and Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT)

Recent Programs Held (2018-2024)
  • Training of Trainers on Electrical Basics Using Virtual TVET (April 1-4)

  • CPSC-NITTTR Chandigarh Regional Program on Role of Business Incubations in Encapsulating Sustainable Development: A TVET Perspective (September 4-8)
  • CPSC-NITTTR Bhopal In-Country Program on Innovative Teaching Methods (October 30-November 3)

  • CPSC-NITTTR Kolkata Special Program on Accreditation and Certification in Achieving Quality-Assured TVET (February 7-11)
  • Training of Trainers on Automotive Technology Using Virtual TVET (March 21-24)
  • CPSC-NITTTR Chennai In-Country Program on Quality Assurance of TVET Institutions through Accreditation (November 21-25)

  • CPSC-NITTTR Bhopal In-Country Program on Leadership and Change Management in TVET (February 10-14)

  • CPSC-NITTTR Chandigarh Regional Program on Entrepreneurship in TVET and International Conference on Skilling for Self-Employment (February 18-22)

  • In-Country Program on Quality Assurance of TVET Institutions through Accreditation (March 5-9)
  • CPSC-NITTTR Chandigarh Regional Program on Quality and Sustainable TVET and International Conference on Skills in TVET for Sustainability (October 8-12)

Country Flag

Official Name
Republic of India

Land Area
3.287 million km²

Country Borders
Sri Lanka (south)
Pakistan (west)
China, Nepal, and Bhutan (northeast)
Myanmar and Bangladesh (east)

New Delhi




National Holiday
26 January 1950 (Republic Day; Adoption of the Indian Constitution)
15 August 1947 (Independence Day from Britain)

Photo courtesy of The Wire

No. of Years - Primary Education
8 years

No. of Years - Secondary Education
4 years

No. of Years - Tertiary Education (Bachelor's)
3 years

Ministry of Supervising Education
Ministry of Education

Logo of Ministry of Education India

Agency Handling TVET
Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education

TVET System
Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in India is known as vocational education and training (VET) which aims to provide lifelong learning opportunities, develop a healthy attitude among students towards work and life, enhance student employability, and reduce the mismatch between the demand and supply of skilled labor (UNESCO-UNEVOC, 2018).

Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics, 2020

Qualification Framework
The National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF) was introduced in 2013 as a single unified framework for all qualifications. It is being functioned by the National Skills Qualification Committee (NSQC) as led by the Chairman of National Skill Development Agency (NSDA). This framework integrated education and competency which enables people to acquire their desired competency levels, proceed into the job market and have additional skills to further upgrade their existing competencies.

Level of NSQF


TVET Financing
VET has become vital for employment, productivity, and international competitiveness, hence, the necessity for implementing reforms in TVET funding is essential. However, TVET remains underfunded due to absence of Innovative Financing Instruments, Limited Role of PE/VC Funds, etc. According to the FICCI- KPMG in India Skill Financing in India Report 2023, it recommends looking at TVET financing models of other countries to delve more into the key stakeholders, their responsibilities, and the mechanisms driving funding.

Diamonds, Export and Import in India
Photo courtesy of CNBC

8.4% (2023)
Source: Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation

Indian Rupee (INR)

Major Exports
Refined Petroleum ($49B)
Diamonds ($26.3B)
Packaged Medicaments ($19.2B)
Jewelry ($10.7B)
Rice ($10B)

Major Imports
Crude Petroleum ($93.5B)
Gold ($58.4B)
Coal Briquettes ($28.4B)
Diamonds ($26B)
Petroleum Gas ($21.9B)

Major Export Partners
United States ($71.2B)
United Arab Emirates ($25.4B)
China ($23.1B)
Bangladesh ($14.1B)
Hong Kong ($11.2B)

Major Import Partners
China ($94.1B)
United Arab Emirates ($42B)
United States ($39.1B)
Switzerland ($31.8B)
Saudi Arabia ($25.6B)

Smt. Droupadi Murmu. President (left) and Shri Narendra Modi, Prime Minister (right)
Photo courtesy of Office of the President of India, and eHealth Network

Type of Government
Federal Parliamentary Constitutional Republic

Head of State
Smt. Droupadi Murmu
President of India

Head of Government
Shri Narendra Modi
Prime Minister

Branches of Government
The Legislative
The Executive
The Judiciary

Children’s Day Celebration in India
Photo courtesy of Tribune India

Literacy Rate
76.32% (2022)

Country Code

ISO Code

Internet TLD

Other Important Holidays
Pongal (Every January)
Makar Sankranti (January 15)
Republic Day (January 26)
Vasant Panchami (February 14)
Mahavir Jayanti (April 21)
Diwali (November 1)
Children’s Day (November 14)

  • https://byjus.com/free-ias-prep/most-spoken-languages-in-india-by-number-of-speakers
  • https://www.scholaro.com/db/Countries/India/Education-System
  • https://unevoc.unesco.org/home/Dynamic+TVET+Country+Profiles/country=IND
  • https://www.indiatoday.in/business/story/indian-economy-growth-october-december-2023-government-data-2508723-2024-02-29
  • https://oec.world/en/profile/country/ind
  • https://presidentofindia.nic.in/#:~:text=President%20of%20India-,Smt.,Jharkhand%20from%202015%20to%202021.
  • https://www.statista.com/statistics/271335/literacy-rate-in-india/
  • https://www.calendarr.com/india/holiday-2024/
  • https://curriculum-magazine.com/ficci-kpmg-in-india-skill-financing-in-india-report-2023-released-calls-for-self-sustaining-and-market-driven-alternative-tvet-funding-models/