A total of 29 participants from both the public and private sector were in the Training Institute for Technical Instruction (TITI) in Kathmandu, Nepal from April 8-12, 2019 to attend the In-Country Program on Skills for Youth Employability. The program was organized in collaboration with the Council of Technical Vocational Training (CTEVT).
The program was organized on the backdrop of Nepal’s changing economic scenario and the reforms that are taking place in the world of work. More than ever, the collaboration and tuning between institute and industry are becoming recognized as an essential requirement to skilling youth for employability and for sustaining and promoting faster industrial and economic growth. Through this In-Country Program, CPSC contributed to the raising of awareness and provision of skills and values necessary to put Industry - Academia Linkages for TVET System into practice.
Dr. Rajesh Khambayat (further left) with some of the participants during the program. Specifically, the program was designed to elucidate the significance of skilling youth for employability through Industry - Academia Partnership in TVET. It also enabled the participants to comprehend the innovative models and approaches of skilling youth for employability through Industry - Academia Partnership. It also aims to cultivate innovative approaches for stimulating entrepreneurship in TVET system. At the end of the seminar, they are expected to prepare an action plan to have a special vision for skills for youth employability through industry linkages in TVET system.
Dr. Ramhari Lamichhane, a former CTEVT member secretary and the present Director General of CPSC, was the program coordinator and supervisor, along with Mr. Pushpa Raman Wagle, the present CTEVT member secretary. Dr. Rajesh Khambayat, the Joint Director of PSS Central Institute of Vocational Education (PSSCIVE), Bhopal, India, was the Program Coordinator and Resource Person. Meanwhile, Mr. Anoj Bhattarai, the Director of Technical Division of CTEVT, acted as the local coordinator and resource person for the program.
The program was inaugurated by Nepal’s Education Secretary, Mr. Khaga Raj Dahal. He was able to meet with CTEVT officials and Dr. Lamichhane and were able to discuss emerging concerns in the field of TVET in Nepal.
In addition to classroom lectures, a national seminar and a study visit to a nearby industry was also embarked to expose the participants to practical examples on implementing measures to strengthen the skills of youth for employability. Relevant discussions regarding this matter were also tackled during the group activities.
National Consultative Seminar on Skills for Tomorrow
articipants during the half-day seminar. CPSC in collaboration with CTEVT, Nepal convened a half-day seminar on Skills for Tomorrow against the background of the emerging industrial transformation regarding skilling youth for the future. Two panelists coming from the industries and the Public and Private Technical School Association were invited to impart their expertise to the participants.
The purpose of the seminar is to create a platform for the academicians and practitioners to exchange ideas and experiences to provide an insight on addressing the concerns and exploring opportunities for the future of work. It provided a timely opportunity for the participants and guests to share knowledge and experiences on the educational and training dimension of enhancing the skills in youth and to discuss the policy tools, the coordinating mechanisms and the scope of national educational and training strategies to deal with industrial transformation 4.0.
Key speakers of the Panel Discussion include the following: Mr. Rom Kant Pandey (Vice President, Federation of Computer Association Nepal); Mr. Khagendra Adhikari (Chairperson, Forum for Health and Technical Sciences); and Mr. Mohan Katuwal (Chairman, Federation of Grill and Steel Fabrications Association). Officials of CTEVT and MOEST were also present to facilitate the discussions.
Speakers and high officials at the National Seminar on Skills for Tomorrow (left to right): Mr. Tek Bahadur Malla (CTEVT Divisional Director, Training Division); Er. Mahesh Bhattarai (CTEVT Divisional Director, Administration Division); Dr. Rajesh Khambayat (Program Coordinator and Resource Person); Dr. Ramhari Lamichhane (CPSC Director General); Dr. Hari Lamsal (Joint Secretary, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology) and Mr. Binod Badal (Director, National Skill Testing Board).