DATE & VENUE: | 24-28 Feb 2020 | Thailand |
PROGRAM CODE: | 19-20/RPTHA (Regional Program) |
TARGET GROUP: | TVET ministry officials, administrators, principals, senior faculty, directors, head of institutions or program heads, and managers. |
COLLABORATING PARTNER: | Office for Vocational Education Commission (OVEC), Ministry of Education, Thailand |
Collaboration with the industries and the training institutions is the foremost concern in proving the success in Technical Vocational Education and Training (TEVT) of Thailand like many other developing countries. UNESCO also emphasizes the need to forge closer links between training and the labor market for the improvement of training systems systematically. The major function of TVET is to provide people with opportunities to learn skills and acquire the knowledge required in the labor market as the skills and knowledge often not provided by the general educational system. The interaction and tuning between the industry and institution is now widely recognized as an essential requirement to train and develop the right kind of technical work force necessary for sustaining and promoting faster industrial and economic growth. It has been widely accepted fact that intensive interaction between TVET institutes and industry is essential to enhance the quality and relevance of education and training. For this reason, the nature of linkages between TEVT institutions and industries is critical in determining the outcome of vocational education and training. Most people agree that close co-operation between TEVT institutions and industry is a key to the successful delivery of vocational education and training. However, the nature of these linkages is itself affected by various institutional factors.
The TEVT sector, which can be described as the 'supply side', faces many challenges across the Country of Thailand, spanning issues related to quality, quantity and relevance. Therefore, Thailand government has one of the topmost priorities to enhance and expand skill based technical and vocational education throughout the country.
CPSC, as an inter-governmental organization for the development of TVET in the Asia and the Pacific Region answers this call. Through this regional program, CPSC contributes to the raising of awareness and provision of skills and values necessary to put Industry-Institution Linkage System for strengthening TVET quality and relevance into practice.
The Regional Program is envisaged as platforms to share experiences, best practices, and innovative ideas, as well as an effective way in championing quality and excellence in the TVET sector, parallel to maintaining competitiveness and relevance to ensure sustainability
The objectives of the Regional Program (RP) are to:
- Comprehend the basic concept, principles, challenges and benefits of industry-institution linkage
- Identify innovative approaches for Industry – Institute linkages
- Develop new strategies to establish strong linkages with industries
At the end of the training, participants are expected to:
- Conduct needs analysis of industry demand
- Explore new models and approaches of Industry- Institute partnership
- Develop Action Plan for strengthening TVET quality through Industry- Institute Linkages
The delivery of the program design follows a systematic learning approach, beginning with an overview of core concepts and followed by progressively deeper application of the concepts and finally a self-directed learning approach through action planning.
Special Lecture: Industry-Institute Partnership for Outcome-Based Learning in Asia Pacific Region
Theme Papers
- Theme Paper 1: Building Industry-Institution Linkages in TVET System: Concept and Principles
- Theme Paper 2: Innovative Models and Approaches in Industry-Institution Partnership
- Theme Paper 3: Enhancing skills for Employability through IIL
Group Tasks
- Group Task 1: Undertake SWOT Analysis for Industry- Academic Collaborations in TVET System
- Group Task 2: Developing Strategies for Enhancing Industry Institution Linkage System in TVET Sector
- Group Task 3: Identify skills for youth employability in TVET Sector
- Group Task 4: Preparation of Action Plan for Building Industry Academic Linkages in TVET System
International Conference: Improving TVET quality and relevance through Industry-Institution Linkages