DATE & VENUE: | 7-11 October 2019 | Philippines |
PROGRAM CODE: | 19-20/ICPPHL (In-Country Program) |
PARTICIPANTS' PROFILE: | TVET ministry officials, administrators, principals, senior faculty, directors, head of institutions or program heads, and managers |
COLLABORATING PARTNER: | Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), Philippines |
The Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions in the today’s era of globalization has a vital role to play in the social and economic transformation of society. It is therefore necessary to provide training to the TVET managers and leaders on quality management systems that will lead the institutions to enhance their effectiveness and become more customer-focused. The program is set to elaborate on the concepts and principles of QMS which include application of QMS tools and establishment and implementation of QMS. The major focus of the program will be on the basic concepts and principles of the QMS, the various QMS tools and techniques, the applicability of the PDCA cycle, the necessity and impact of APACC and STAR accreditation systems and other quality assurance certifications for QMS, Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) plan in implementing QMS.
The objectives of the In-country Program are to:
- Comprehend the concepts and principles of QMS;
- Apply the QMS Principles and Tools for TVET institutions;
- Identify the applications of PDCA;
- Realize the importance of APACC and STAR accreditation systems and other quality assurance certifications for QMS; and
- Prepare a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) plan in implementing QMS for TVET institutions in view of continual improvement.
The main contents of the program are:
- Delivery and Presentation of theme papers on overview of QMS, Quality Assurance in TVET using EAS TVET QAF approach, Principles of QMS to manage the TVET institute, QMS tools and techniques used in QMS, PDCA cycle and its application, Quality improvement through APACC and STAR.
- National seminar on, "TVET Quality Management System for producing skilled workforce"
- Study visits
- Icebreakers and mind-relaxing games
- Special Lecture, Case studies, role playing, Group Tasks and presentations by the participants.