DATE & VENUE: | 17-21 Feb 2020 | Bangkok, Thailand |
PROGRAM CODE: | 19-20/ICPTHA (In-Country Program) |
TARGET GROUP: | OVEC Officials/Experts assigned in Standards Development, Industry Practitioners representing different sectors (i.e. Hospitality and Tourism, Constructions, Manufacturing, Metals, Health, ICT, Agriculture, Garments and Textiles, Electrical, Electronics, etc.), TVET Trainers specializing in different sectors/occupation and TVET Colleges Dean or Principal. |
COLLABORATING PARTNER: | Office for Vocational Education Commission (OVEC), Thailand |
The overall objective of the Office of the Vocational Education Commission of Thailand and its national TVET strategy is to enhance the proposed NVQF. This program aims to produce competent, motivated, adaptable and innovative workforce that plays pivotal roles in the socioeconomic development of the country.
The overall frame and structure of the competency based TVET system is described in the National Vocational Qualifications Framework (NVQF). The NVQF rationalizes all TVET provisions into a single nationally recognized qualification. It defines the different occupational and qualification levels to be awarded. The levels detail the scope and composition of qualifications and degree of responsibility a qualified person would assume in the workplace. The NVQF is generally characterized as a national policy instrument within the TVET System in Thailand thus, this is to shield the quality of the Thailand’s Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and other educational sectors. Moreover, it will encompass a unified system of national qualifications for all education sectors so to ensure that there is nationally consistent recognition of the outcomes of qualifications awarded by Thai schools, colleges, and universities.
The program will focus on the development of NVQF based on the industry requirements vis-a-vis development of occupational and qualification levels. The program will also focus on development of competency standards and occupational standards resulting to an accepted Qualifications based on the level of NVQF. The program also aims to provide coherence information in regards with the corroboration of the CBTD (Competency Based Training Delivery) to the National Competency Assessment and Certification.
The objectives of the program are to for the participants to:
- to further enhance the understanding on developing NVQF;
- to develop occupational and qualification level and framework that will be acceptable to the labor market and industries;
- to develop occupational standards based on the industry requirements
- to develop qualification and training standards.
- to introduce Competency Based Training Delivery (CBTD)
- to relate the NVQF and Qualification to the National Competency Assessment and Certification and to the National Certificate Level.
The main contents of the program are:
- Keynote address and theme paper presentations
- Discussions and experience sharing
- Project tasks and group work
- Study visits
- Icebreakers and mind-relaxing games
- Presentations of tasks and group work outputs