In his capacity as CPSC’s Director General, Dr. Ramhari Lamichhane was invited to present a paper entitled "CPSC and Education for Sustainable Development" at the JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program on "Industrial Technology Education" held in Chubu University, Nagoya, Japan from November 20-21, 2018.
The aforementioned event was a six-week program organized by the Chubu University from 2nd week of October until the 3rd week of November 2018 to promote industrial technology education in developing countries. It gathered policy-making officials from TVET authorities and ministries in various nations and exposed them to the Japanese education system, focusing on TVET.

Dr. Lamichhane's presentation highlighted CPSC’s efforts in promoting TVET for sustainable development in the Asia Pacific region. It also strengthened its image and network to other countries and potential partners.
During his stay in the country, he was also able to meet Prof. Hidetoshi Miyakawa from the College of Contemporary Education of Chubu University. He was also able to renew his appointment as CPSC’s liaison officer in Japan.