The CPSC Director General, Dr. Mohammad Naim Yaakub, met Dr. Hidetoshi Miyakawa of the Technological Education Department of the Aichi University, Nagoya, Japan during the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Singapore- CPSC Joint Training Program for Principals and Leaders held at the Industrial Technology Education (ITE) Campus in Singapore from February 24 to 28, 2014.

The two TVET administrators met on separate occasions this fiscal year to re-establish ties and further explore opportunities for collaboration. The first meeting transpired during the collaborative program on "Industrial Technology Education Training Course", held on July 19, 2013 at the Aichi University of Education headquarters in Nagoya. This program was attended by 13 participants from Labor, Occupational Safety and Health and Vocational Ministries of Cambodia, Egypt, Jordan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Philippines, and South Africa. In this event, Dr. Naim highlighted CPSC’s major achievements and strengths in providing capacity building programs in the area of TVET in the region.

The recent meeting discussed some of the organizational progress and updates and explored topics on collaboration in the areas of research and occupational safety and health. Furthermore, the two institutions agreed to deepen their commitment for a continued collaboration through joint projects that will tackle common concerns and contribute to the expanding TVET knowledge.

Furthermore, Dr. Miyakawa expressed his intent to visit the CPSC Headquarters in Manila, Philippines within the year as a way to further affirm a strong relationship between the two institutions.

Some of the pictures from the program are included below: