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The In-Country Program on Accreditation and Certification of TVET Institutions, jointly organized by CPSC and the National Institute of Technical Teachers' Training and Research (NITTTR) Chennai, kicked off with a successful start as Prof. Dr. S. Mohan delivered his Presidential Address, and Chief Guest, Dr. R. Murugesan, Vice Chancellor, Anna University of Technology, Madurai gave his Inaugural Address. Thirty four (34) participants from various Technical Universities, Engineering Colleges and Polytechnics as well as Directorates of Technical Education actively participated in all the sessions specially designed to: (a) appreciate the need for and importance of accreditation; (b) understand the nature and significance of various criteria and parameters used by national and international agencies for accreditation of TVET programs and institutions; and (c) apply appropriate strategies for resolving issues and challenges faced in enhancing the quality of technical education. Dr. Mohammad Naim Yaakub, CPSC Director General, and Dr. S. Mohan, NITTTR Director, handled the overall management of the program as Program Supervisors with Prof. TJ Tesoro Gayondato, CPSC Faculty Member who acted as CPSC Course Coordinator. Dr. D. Brahadeeswaran, Professor and Head, Department of Policy Planning and Educational Research, NITTTR and Dr. G. Kulanthaivel, Associate Professor, Electronics Engineering and Head of Centre for International Affairs, NITTTR, on the other hand, acted as the counterpart NITTTR Chennai Coordinators.
The highlights of the 5-day program are the well-planned Study Visit to SRM University in Chennai and the highly successful International Seminar on Enhancing Quality of Technical Education through Accreditation. Various speakers and presenters were invited during this specially-designed program, to include: Dr. C. Muthamizhchelvan, Director of Engineering and Technology, SRM University – an NBA, NAAC and ABET-accredited University, Prof. B. Nandagopal, Principal, Murugappa Polytechnic College- an NBA accredited institution. Dr. D. Brahadeeswaran, delivered a lecture on Issues and Intervention Areas in Accreditation, Prof. Gayondato presented various theme papers in the area of Accreditation and Quality Assurance and Dr. Rajesh P. Khambayat, CPSC Faculty Consultant provided a cyber-lecture on Industry-Institute Linkages for TVET Excellence.
International Seminar speakers were composed of Mr. BS Ponmudiraj, Assistant Advisor, NAAC, Bangalore, Dr. ZC Alex, Director of Accreditation and Academics, VIT University, Vellore, Dr. KA Bhaskaran, Former Professor of IIT, Madras and an Expert NBA Accreditor and Dr. Mohammad Naim Yaakub, APACC President with Prof. Gayondato, APACC Joint Coordinator.
The International Seminar gathered 108 delegates from different schools and institutions in Chennai which was officiated by DR. SRK Prasad, Chairman, Board of Governors, NITTTR Chennai with chief guest, Prof. Dr. M. Anandakrishnan, Chairman of the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. The Valediction for the Seminar was conducted by Dr. A. Kalanidhi, Former Vice Chancellor of Anna University Chennai and currently Vice-Chairman of C-STAR, Chennai with Presidential Address delivered by Dr. Mohammad Naim Yaakub.
The participants acknowledged the dedicated efforts undertaken by the NITTTR and CPSC leadership and coordination teams, in gathering all the great minds in Accreditation for this Course cum Seminar. One of the participants, Ms. D. Tamilselvi, Lecturer, Rajagopal Polytechnic College, quipped that "this program is a 'breakthrough' because we were able to fully appreciate, comprehend and apply (through our actions plans) all the principles of accreditation and certification of TVET institutions in just a matter of 5 days! The program is complete, thorough and impressively delivered."
It is hoped that this program will provide sustained impact in getting the acts of all accrediting bodies together in bringing Quality to technical education in India.
Prof. TJ and Dr. DB, Coordinators and Resource Persons from the partner institutions, CPSC and NITTTR respectively, ensure focused attention to the participants’ needs. | |
Inauguration of the International Seminar on Enhancing Quality of Technical Education through Accreditation | |
Study Visit to SRM University and learning about their quality journey through NBA, NAAC and ABET Accreditation | |
Closing Ceremonies for the In-Country Program |