International Symposium on
January 25-26, 2008, Manila, Philippines
M a n i l a   D e c l a r a t i o n
THIS DECLARATION DRAWS special attention to the following specific recommendations of the International Symposium on Skills Development for Poverty Alleviation:
- Strengthen and expand capacity building for the training of trainers in member countries for developing TVET skills needed for poverty alleviation;
- Build a strong, broad-based coordinated ICT Skills for education and gainful employment towards developing information capital;
- Provide training and development interventions for modularized employable skills for responsiveness to the needs of industries and the labor market;
- Advocate strategic public-private-community partnership (PPCP) models at national and local level to address specific programs for poverty alleviation.
- Develop skills standards, certification and accreditation for quality assurance and harmonization in TVET to satisfy the labor market needs;
- Strengthen and expand capacity building programs specially for women, rural youth, informal economy workers and unorganized sectors towards gainful employment;
- Strengthen inclusiveness and regional cooperation in TVET development approaches targeting the marginalized sectors;
- Increase human capital and induce self-employment and entrepreneurship development to address the problem of poverty in all sectors;
- Improve access to life skills for learners and adults including technical and vocational skills and generic skills;
- Expand outreach program integrating flexible learning systems (i.e distance education, e-learning, open learning, and life-long learning programs) to ensure greater access to quality programs.
- Strengthen the policy, legal and financial frameworks to provide an enabling environment to alleviate poverty;
- Innovate new ideas of utilizing existing resource and architecture to augment the efforts in poverty alleviation.