The Colombo Plan Staff College (CPSC) Director General, Dr. Mohammad Naim Yaakub visited several officials and institutions in Singapore in connection with his attendance to the regional TVET program for principals and government officials held from December 3 – 7, 2012 at the Institute of Technical Education.
On December 6, 2012, the DG met Mr. Foo Kook Jwee, the Director of Technical Cooperation Directorate, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), Singapore with the purpose of continuing the cooperation between CPSC and MFA and explore other modes of collaboration. The parties exchanged notes on the ASEAN Community 2015 and discussed the need for more intra-ASEAN network. Dr. Naim also explored the possibility of Singapore leading a flagship project on accreditation and certification, to which Mr. Foo advised that the Ministry of Education of Singapore would be the more appropriate Ministry to approach on this matter.
Prior to the meeting with MFA, the Director General met Dr. Greg Sisk, Senior Director, Global Education Execution and Operations, Parametric Technology Singapore Pte Ltd. (PTC) on December 5, 2012 to explore ways on realizing the potential of the Memorandum of Understanding signed by CPSC and PTC. One area identified is the conduct of joint training program on the use of CREO, a Computer-Aided Design software developed by PTC for participants coming from CPSC member countries. More details of this proposed project will be developed by Dr. Sisk and conveyed to CPSC for consideration.