PLATFORM: via Zoom (link will be sent to confirmed participants) |
CERTIFICATES: Certificate of Completion certified by WorldDIDAC |

Training of Trainers on
Electrical Basics Using Virtual TVET
February 18-21, 2025
Training of Trainers on Electrical Basics Using Virtual TVET - There are over 1000 Knowledge Objects consisting of Background Theory, Component Identification & Descriptions, Assembly & Disassembly, Component Animations, Functional Animations, Assessments - Reference, Identification, and Location, designed to match the different learning styles based on visual and kinaesthetic principles. Electrical Fundamentals provides learners with a thorough understanding of the principles of Electrical components and the technologies behind those components. The content has been designed to meet international training standards (IEEE USA, Malaysian NOSS, and Philippines TESDA etc.) and covers all the requirements that students need to be able to meet those standards.
The learning modules contain numerous activities to allow users to practice their understanding of the principles of the learning modules. This is supported by numerous assessment activities in a number of formats. Designed to work on individually, in teams or as part of classroom exercises or presentations.
In this four (4) day training, the program will cover the following topics:
- Digital TVET Framework and What is Virtual TVET
- Understanding how to Adapt and Adopt Blended Learning
- How to use a TVET LMS to Deliver Competency-Based Training
- TVET LMS Reporting and Analytics
- Understand the Technical Operation and Troubleshooting of new modern training system
- How to incorporate Lesson Plan using Virtual TVET
- Certificates of Completion Certified by Worlddidac
- Program participants must create their own free Zoom account and install a Zoom application in his/her device (e.g. laptop, desktop).
- Participants are required to join a Zoom live e-learning session through the Zoom application using the provided Zoom meeting ID and passcode.
- For program administration, monitoring, and breakout room assignment, the above notes must be strictly observed.
Participants should be:
- TVET Teacher/Instructor/Trainer specific to subject and has significant training experience in a TVET institute, Department Head who are involved in the improvement and development of teaching and learning systems;
- Able to attend all the synchronous e-learning sessions (an internet-enabled device with a functioning webcam, microphone, and audio are required);
- Has intermediate or advanced knowledge in Information and Communications Technology (ICT); and
- Proficient in written and spoken English.