DATE: June 24-28, 2024 |
Venue: Zoom Online Meeting Room |
Type: In-Country Program |
PARTNER ORGANIZATION: Colombo Plan Staff College (CPSC) and Office of the Department of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (DTVET), Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Republic of the Union of Myanmar |
In today's rapidly changing global landscape, Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions are assuming a pivotal role in shaping competent graduates who are equipped to thrive in both local and global labor markets. With the advent of globalization, the green transition, and technological advancements such as digitalization and Industry 4.0, the demand for skilled workers capable of navigating these dynamic shifts has never been greater. TVET institutions serve as the cornerstone in facilitating economic and social transformation by ensuring that individuals are adequately prepared to meet the evolving demands of society. To bolster the effectiveness of TVET institutions and ensure the quality of education they provide, the establishment of a robust Quality Management System (QMS) is imperative. A QMS serves as a framework for systematically managing and improving the quality of education and training offered by TVET institutions. By implementing a QMS, institutions can enhance their customer focus, forge stronger industry linkages, and ultimately produce graduates who are not only technically proficient but also responsive to the needs of the market.
Central to the successful implementation of a QMS is the training of TVET leaders, managers, and teachers. These key stakeholders must be equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand and effectively apply the fundamental concepts and principles of QMS. This includes familiarity with various QMS tools and techniques, comprehension of the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle, proficiency in quality standards, audit processes, accreditation requirements, quality assurance mechanisms, and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) procedures. Training initiatives aimed at enhancing QMS proficiency should encompass a comprehensive curriculum that covers all facets of quality management in the context of TVET institutions. Participants should gain insights into the importance of continuous quality improvement (CQI) and how it can be achieved through systematic planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation cycles. Additionally, emphasis should be placed on fostering a culture of quality within TVET institutions, where all stakeholders are actively engaged in contributing to ongoing improvement efforts.
By investing in training programs focused on QMS, TVET institutions can foster a culture of excellence and innovation that permeates every aspect of their operations. Furthermore, by aligning their practices with international quality standards and best practices, TVET institutions can enhance their credibility and competitiveness on the global stage. In this aspects, we can say that accreditation serves as a systematic process for assessing and validating the quality and standards of educational institutions and programs. In the context of TVET in Asia, accreditation ensures that institutions offering vocational education meet specified criteria related to faculty qualifications, infrastructure, curriculum relevance, and industry linkages. Accreditation provides a framework for continuous improvement and accountability, ultimately enhancing the credibility of TVET programs across diverse Asian nations. The accreditation of TVET institutions often falls under the purview of national or regional bodies in Asia. Some countries have established dedicated national agencies for accreditation, while others may rely on ministries of education or vocational training councils. Regional bodies, such as The Asia Pacific Accreditation and Certification Commission (APACC), the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO), and the Asia-Pacific Quality Network (APQN), also play crucial roles in promoting regional cooperation and harmonizing accreditation standards. Therefore we can say that certification is a key aspect of quality assurance in TVET, providing formal recognition of an individual or institution's competence or compliance with established standards. Across Asia, certification programs align with industry needs and standards, enhancing the employability of TVET graduates. Recognized certifications also facilitate the mobility of skilled workers within the region and beyond, promoting a harmonized approach to skills recognition. Accreditation and certification are integral components in ensuring the quality and relevance of TVET across the diverse landscape of Asia. By fostering regional collaboration, aligning with international standards, and addressing unique challenges, Asian countries can position their TVET graduates as skilled contributors to the region's economic growth and competitiveness. A commitment to quality assurance and continuous improvement will be crucial in realizing the full potential of TVET across Asia's dynamic and evolving educational landscape.
TVET institutions in their respective districts and provinces are poised to leverage the opportunities presented by increasing globalization and the closer integration of economies. To support this endeavor, the program "Enhancing Quality Management System in TVET" aims to underscore the objective of achieving "organizational excellence" by employing accreditation as one of its core strategies. This initiative combines both concepts in a highly productive manner, offering substantial benefits not only to the participants but also to the thousands of students and faculty members who stand to gain significantly from institutions certified as excellent by the relevant authorities. Thus, CPSC in collaboration with the Department of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (DTVET) is organizing this in-country program “ Enhancing Quality Management System in TVET” which seeks to provide a discussion space for the representatives from various institutes in Myanmar to further cement the role of Quality Management system in ensuring that institutions can effectively meet the needs of students, industry, and society by delivering high-quality education and training programs.
The participants are expected to:
- Understand the concept of Quality Assurance System
- Appreciate the need and importance of accreditation and certification of TVET programs and institutions to respond to the national, regional, and global labor market
- Understand the nature and significance of various criteria and parameters used for accreditation as a tool for improving the quality of TVET Institutions
- Comprehend the steps involved in the process of accreditation
- Prepare the documents needed for submission to accrediting agencies
- Create a discussion opportunity and experience sharing for the institute representatives aimed to exchange relevant information on how to enhance quality assurance offerings in TVET for their institute
Expected Outcomes
The Participants are expected to gain accreditation knowledge to enhance their capacity towards Enhancing quality management Systems in TVET especially:
- To comprehend the key concepts and principles of QMS
- To identify the applications of PDCA
- To demonstrate the ability to apply the QMS principles and tools for TVET institutions
- To describe and apply the Quality standards, quality Audit, Accreditation, and quality
- Assurance, Monitoring, and Evaluation (M&E) and continuous quality improvement (CQl) for TVET institutions
- To comprehend the good practices and lessons learned about handling non-conformities when implementing QMS in the TVET institutions
Instructional Strategies
To achieve the objectives set forth, the following strategies will be employed in a consultative nature:
Theme Papers & Presentations on the following:
- Special Lecture: Benchmarking Quality Assurance of TVET Institutions
- Theme Paper 1: Overview of TVET Quality Assurance System by Myanmar
- Theme Paper 2: Quality Management System in TVET as Key to Train Skilled Workforce
- Theme Paper 3: Quality Assurance in TVET using the EAS TVET QAF
- Theme Paper 4: Principles and Guidelines for QMS in TVET
- Theme Paper 5: Quality Management Tools and Implications in TVET Institutions
- Theme Paper 6: Application of PDCA for Quality Management
- Presentation 1: Quality Management in Governance and Management
- Presentation 2: Quality Management in Teaching and Learning
- Presentation 3: Quality Management in Human Resources
- Presentation 4: Quality Management in Research and Development
- Presentation 5: Quality Enhancement in Image & Sustainability
- Presentation 6: Quality Assurance in Other Resources of TVET Institute
Exercises and workshops on the following:
- Conduct a SWOT Analysis on the Institutional Quality Assurance
- Identification of Major Issues & Challenges in Maintaining a Quality Assurance System
- Workshop on M&E for QMS in TVET Institutions
- Workshop on How to Ensure Quality Support to Students
Participants' Profile
The participants can be College Principals / College Vice-Principals / Assistant College Directors, Administrators, Teachers/instructors/lecturers, and educational persons related to TVET Authority and Private TVET institute persons in one way or another.
Date and Venue
The five-day meeting and workshop shall be held from June 24-28, 2024 at the Department of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (DTVET) or Online
Facilities Requirements
To conduct the program smoothly, the following facilities are required:
- Laptop computers (preferably participants to bring their laptop) with the following applications such as (Chrome browser, Zoom client application, Google suite or Microsoft Office application)
- Headset with microphone
- Web camera
- Internet Connection (LAN/WAN)
Program Management and Resource Persons
Program Schedule