Photo courtesy of Thimphu Thromde

The Colombo Plan Staff College (CPSC) heartfully extends its greetings of peace and solidarity to the Kingdom of Bhutan as they celebrate their 116th National Day this December 17, 2023.

Photo courtesy of Daily Bhutan


The date commemorates the coronation of Ugyen Wangchuck as the first Druk Gyalpo of modern Bhutan in 1907. Celebrations have been held at Changlimithang National Stadium since 1974, which include a public address of the current Druk Gyalpo and the procession of the statue of the late King Ugyen Wangchuck every holiday to honor him and the independence of Bhutan.

In 2021, the theme of the celebration was “Bhutan First” in remembrance of the King’s encouragement to promote the local industries in Bhutan, while in 2022, the theme was “Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Technology.” This year, the local government of Thimphu Thromde is inviting everyone to join their Build-Up Program as part of the celebration of their National Day, held at Clock Tower Square from December 10 to December 15. The program has a set of activities that are open to the public.

Photo courtesy of Thimphu Thromde

Bhutan has an exceptional history for being one of the few countries that has been independent throughout the times. It has been known to be never conquered, occupied, or governed by any external powers and remained to be relatively isolated from foreign countries, allowing Bhutan to protect its sovereignty throughout history. Furthermore, the National Day of Bhutan marks the new era of their country as many chieftains and feudal lords accepted Gongsar Ugyen Wangchuck to be one of the most powerful leaders in Bhutan, who brought together the unity in the country.

Photo courtesy of Diplomat Magazine

Photo courtesy of BBS CL

The celebration of Bhutan National Day is important to the Bhutan nation because aside from its contribution to their history and culture that reminds them of their freedom, this falls as a time for the Bhutanese to rest and strengthen family bonds through gatherings and get-togethers.
Bhutan National Day Address, 2022
Video courtesy of His Majesty King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck


  • Bhutan’s Daily Newspaper. (n.d.). 115th National Day to be celebrated in Thimphu. Kuensel Online.
  • [email protected]. (2022, September 19). BHUTAN NATIONAL DAY - December 17, 2023 - National Today. National Today.