DATE: March 28 - April 1, 2022 |
PARTICIPANTS' PROFILE: The training is for about twenty APACC accreditors from various member countries who have not undergone retraining on APACC instrument version 2019. |
Accreditation, as one of the three primary modes of quality assurance, is often considered a step towards establishing a culture of quality – sustained and maintained by defining objectives, developing capacity to achieve them and evaluating whether they are achieved or not. Being a gatekeeper of quality at its threshold, accreditation determines the adequacy of human, physical and information resources, reinforces results-based approach to evaluation, and provides a firm foundation for its institutions or programs.
The Asia Pacific Accreditation and Certification Commission (APACC) is an international accreditation and certification body established through the CPSC Seoul Declaration 2004, with the Colombo Plan Staff College (CPSC) as the lead organization. It aims to provide international accreditation and certification services towards the quality management system of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions.
As mandated, APACC shall recruit, train, retrain and develop a pool of accreditors on a full-time or on-call basis.
In 2019, APACC revised the self-study form and instrument to eliminate ambiguity and to highlight the process of PDCA (Plan Do Check Act) in all seven criteria. Also, APACC keeps on looking for ways to improve its processes, thus, review and revision of these processes are undertaken by the APACC Board whenever deemed imperative. Once updates and changes emerge, it is fitting to take action and make such changes known to concerned people.
It is in this light that this training program has been conceived.
The objectives of the refresher training are to:
- Discuss the updates on APACC instrument and processes;
- Define the roles, responsibilities, and attributes expected of APACC Accreditors; and
- Ensure the same level of understanding among Accreditors on the APACC criteria, indicators, and sub-indicators.
In order to achieve the above objectives, the following topics will be covered:
- Overview and Rationale of Updates on APACC Instrument and Procedures
- Desirable Characteristics of APACC Accreditors and Rules in Institutional Evaluation
- Updates on APACC Criteria
- Criterion I: Governance and Management
- Criterion II: Teaching and Learning
- Criterion III: Human Resources
- Criterion IV: Research and Development
- Criterion V: Image and Sustainability
- Criterion VI: Other Resources
- Criterion VII: Support to Students
- Roles and Responsibilities of APACC Team before, during, and after institutional evaluation
- Parts of Evaluation Report and Tips in Report Writing
To facilitate productive and interactive learning, the following instructional strategies will be utilized to effectively train the participants:
- Online lectures
- Experience sharing
- Online and offline tasks
- Video presentations
- Use of OnCOURSE learning management system
To conduct the program smoothly, the following facilities are required:
- Internet Connection (5Mbps or higher) preferably wired LAN or WiFi
- Virtual Room (for Opening, Closing Ceremonies & Invited Talks)
- Zoom App installed in mobile device or personal computer
- Desktop Computer or Laptop
- Webcam, Speakers and microphone or earphones with microphine
- Computer/laptop (Individual participant*) with the following specifications:
- Core i3 (equivalent or higher)
- 4 GB RAM or higher
- Zoom App
- Google Chrome browser
- Any office suite software (MS Office, WPS Office, Google Drive, etc.)
Prior to his appointment as the Director General, he was a professor at the Department of Textile and Clothing Technology, University of Moratuwa, Moratuwa, Sri Lanka since 2015. Here also held key administrative posts during his career: as a former Vice Chancellor of the University of Vocational Technology (2016-2019), former Chairman of the Centre for Open and Distance Learning (CODL) of the University of Moratuwa (2015-2016), and former head of the Department of Textile and Clothing Technology (2009-2012). He also served as the Chairman of Alethea International School (2017-2021), an independent non-executive Director of Orit Apparels Lanka Ltd. (2014-2016), and Sri Lanka Institute of Textile and Apparel (2010-2015). He also served as the Director of Technical and Quality Assurance of Brandix Textiles Ltd (2013-2014). He also served as chairman and member of various public sector strategic and technical committees. He also published over 60 research publications on topics related to textile engineering and educational management, of which over 30 are international refereed journal publications. He was honored with 18 national and international awards including Emerald Literary Award (2018), President's Award for Scientific Publications (2017), and NRC Merit Award for Scientific Publication (2016, 2011). The World Education Congress also honored him with the award for Outstanding Contribution to Education in “Sri Lanka Education Leadership Awards” in 2018. Prof. Wickramasinghe is a graduate of a Bachelor of Science in Textile Engineering from the University of Moratuwa in 1993 by which he obtained first class honors. He finished his PhD at the University of Manchester in 2003. He also obtained a PG Certificate in Learning and Teaching, the University of Arts London, UK in 2006 and an MBA in the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka in 2008. |
She has been associated with CPSC since 1992 in various capacities. From 1992 to 1994, she was a Research Associate. From 1997 to 2001, she was engaged as Governing Board engaged Core Faculty Consultant and Chairperson of Consultancy and Marketing Division and Research and Development Division. Dr. Alto is the lead author of CPSC’s best-selling book - the Research in TVET Made Easy and was the lead reviewer of the APACC documents in 2013 – 2014. She was able to handle several high-profile assignments and projects at ADB and JICA, being an educator and international consultant for more than 50 years. Dr. Alto was the recipient of the Outstanding Public School Teacher of the City of Manila in 1971; the Most Outstanding Natural Science Teacher of the Year in 1972; and the Outstanding Faculty Member of the Technological University of the Philippines in 2005. Among the scholarship grants she enjoyed are the CDG-Gesellschaft scholarship at the Asian Institute of Technology in Thailand on Remote Sensing Technology and Environmental Resources Management, Asia Foundation Scholarship on the Teaching of CBA Chemistry, and Teaching of Chemistry at RECSAM in Penang Malaysia, and a Shell Philippines Chemistry scholar at the University of the Philippines. Dr. Alto earned her Doctoral Degree in Educational Administration in 1984, Master’s Degree in Teaching Chemistry in 1970; Bachelor of Science Degree in Home Economics, and Bachelor of Science Degree in Education in 1961 all from the University of the Philippines. |
He obtained his Ph.D. in Technical Sciences (Automobile Engineering) in 1997 from Russian Peoples’ Friendship University, Moscow, Russia, specializing in Thermal Engines (Internal Combustion Engines) and Environmental Protection & Rational Use of Natural Resources. He successfully defended the thesis on the subject: “Soot reduction of exhaust gases in a compact high-speed direct injection (DI) engine by doping Rapeseed (Canola) oil with fuel”. In 1993 he obtained his BSc and MSc in Mechanical Engineering specializing in Automobile Engineering with Honors from Russian Peoples Friendship University (formerly Patrice Lumumba Friendship University) Moscow, Russia. His research includes alternative fuels, solid waste management, energy technology, and management, etc. He wrote and edited three books, has published more than 30 scientific papers and patents, received several best paper awards, and supervised dozens of graduate students. He was the Head of the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering for 3 years from 2003 to 2006. Prior to joining the University of Ruhuna, he worked as a Senior Research Engineer / Project Manager at the Renewable Energy Department of National Engineering Research & Development Centre [NERD Centre] for 6 years. He led many R & D projects and worked with many organizations, NGOs, ministries, on various projects. He was the Project Manager of the Market Garbage Disposal Project, Muthurajawela with a budget of Rs 33 million. In 2010, he also worked as the Chairman / CEO of National Apprenticeship & Industrial Training Authority [NAITA], Ministry of Youth Affairs & Skills Development, Sri Lanka and as the Director-General of the Department of Technical Education & Training [DTET], Ministry of Youth Affairs & Skills Development, Sri Lanka for 3 years. In 2017, he worked as a Faculty Consultant at the Colombo Plan Staff College (CPSC) in Manila, Philippines, and conducted training programs in the Philippines, Bangladesh, and China. In addition, he serves as an Accreditor for Asia Pacific Accreditation and Certification Council (APACC) and conducted accreditation work in the Philippines, Malaysia, and Thailand. Dr Ambawatte is a Fellow of the Institute of Automotive Engineers and acted as a Council Member from 2000 to 2004. In addition, he is a Life member of Sri Lanka Energy Managers Association (SLEMA), Member of Advanced Statistics Association of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Sciences (SLAAS), Young Scientist Forum (YSF) of National Science and Technology Commission (NASTEC) and a member of Association of KOICA Fellows (AKOFE), Korea. |