A total of 22 participants were in CPSC’s headquarters in Manila from April 22-26, 2019 to attend the Regional Program on Sustainable Skills and Employability through TVET. TVET officers from Bangladesh, Bhutan, Fiji, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Thailand were represented in the program. In addition, representatives from CPSC’s honorary members such as the Institute for Diploma Engineers Bangladesh (IDEB) and Diploma Engineers Association of Nepal (Nepal) were present.
A notable guest of the program is the Minister of State, Ministry of Education of the Republic of Maldives, Mr. Mohamed Hashim. He is attending on his capacity to represent Maldives in this forum.
The regional program was organized for the participants to be able to promote the Greening TVET concept in their own countries. The lectures and visits were designed for them to be able to appraise strategies and identify the tools and techniques in integrating sustainability aspect into Greening TVET in Philippines. Through this program, they were also able to design suitable approaches and models incorporating the concept of greening of TVET Institutions, green TVET Curriculum, green Auditing and green productions and consumptions.
Supervising the program is the CPSC Director General, Dr. Ramhari Lamichhane and facilitating the local coordination is one of CPSC’ s faculty consultants, Ms. Therese Tan Lee. CPSC’s Officer for Research, Publications and Information, Mr. Rae Emmanuel Echaveria, also shared his knowledge on greening TVET as a resource person.

The program was opened on April 22, 2019 in an opening ceremony involving all the delegates and CPSC’s faculty and staff. In his opening speech, Dr. Ramhari welcomed all the participants to Manila and recognized the relevance of the program in contributing to raising the awareness and relevance of green TVET in the member countries.
Classroom sessions focused on topics such as integrating green concepts in TVET Curricula, greening TVET through sustainable development and strengthening TVET for sustainability through greening practices. Study visits to facilities such as the UP Diliman Task Force on Solid Waste Management, Tuloy sa Don Bosco Alabang, TESDA Green Technology Center and TESDA Women’s Center were embarked to further incorporate green TVET concepts with actual institutional practices.
The participants were also invited to participate in the 17th annual conference and 3rd international conference of the Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities of Industrial Technology (PACUIT). This year’s conference was entitled “Leading the 21st century Generation Towards a Globalized Industrial Technology” and was held at the Ciudad Christia Resort in San Mateo, Rizal Province on April 24-25, 2019.
The event invited the Director General, Dr. Ramhari Lamichhane and CPSC Faculty Specialist, Mr. Abdul Ghani Rajput, to speak on topics regarding education for sustainability and industrial revolution 4.0. In addition, a panel on practices for green TVET on sustainable development was included in the program in which representatives from Fiji, Pakistan, Malaysia and Bhutan were able to discuss their country-specific cases on greening TVET to a wider audience.
Overall, the program demonstrated CPSC’s expertise in its green TVET advocacy and reflected its long-standing partnership with PACUIT in strengthening opportunities for program collaboration.
Member Country Representatives in the CPSC-PACUIT International Conference held from April 24-25, 2019.
Representatives from Fiji, Pakistan, Malaysia and Bhutan during the Panel on Greening TVET Practices on Sustainable Development held during the CPSC-PACUIT International Conference.
The participants during their visit to the UP Diliman Task Force on Solid Waste Management.
With the staff members and students of the Tuloy sa Don Bosco Foundation in Alabang, Muntinlupa, Philippines.