DATE & VENUE: | 2-6 Feb 2020 | IDEB Bhaban, Dhaka, Bangladesh |
PROGRAM CODE: | 19-20/RPBGD (Regional Program) |
TARGET GROUP: | The participants of this Regional Program are composed of TVET Leaders and TVET Trainers of employment-promoting TVET organizations. |
COLLABORATING PARTNER: | Institution of Diploma Engineers Bangladesh (IDEB) and Directorate of Technical Education (DTE) |
Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is a master key for the socio-economic development of the country. The graduates of TVET are considering major changer for the economic and labour market. For the global competitiveness, they should have competencies which can address skills for 21st century and disruption of Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0). TVET graduates require essential skills for 21st century: collaboration & team work, creativity & imagination, critical thinking, problem solving, flexibility & adaptability, global & cultural awareness, information literacy, leadership, civic literacy & citizenship, social responsibility & ethics, initiatives, technology literacy, and oral & written communications. Without these skills, TVET graduates will be having difficulty in getting jobs and sustaining the job for a longer period. These skills are equally important as the modern technological knowhow.
Business authorities believe that this century tends to lean heavily towards an economy primarily driven by technology, where individuals have to recognize, envision and predict technology opportunities so as to join the ranks of future entrepreneurial leaders. Entrepreneurship and technology both are products of the human genius and equally marvelous is the compound that is formed by merging the two together for benefit of the society. From entrepreneurship for profitable purposes to social entrepreneurship, the world is now welcoming technopreneurship. Commercialization is a highpoint in Technopreneurship – the seal of transforming technology-based ideas, products and industries into profitable entrepreneurial projects. Commercialization as it concerns technopreneurship involves identifying problems of customers, solving these problems and delivering it to the customers in a desirable format.
On the other hand, IR 4.0 revolution is characterized by the fusion and amplification of emerging technology breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, automation and robotics, multiplied by the far-reaching connectivity between billions of people with mobile devices with unprecedented access to data and knowledge. Today, the TVET system has potential impact and implications due to rapidly change of global context. As a consequence of rapidly change of technology and industry such as IR 4.0, the implication of TVET include the area of skills standards, policies, curriculum development design, human resource development, social and culture and resource mobilization. TVET also diffuse these challenges by way of transfer of knowledge and skills. In addition to this, advancements in the digital economy and biotechnology, coupled with globalization and population ageing are shifting how people learn, live, and work. As a result, changes in skill requirements and the organization of work will create pressure on business and industry, job quality, decent work, and social inclusion.
First and foremost, countries will need to address the issue of continued and improved training in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects, as well as investment in Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs). Many countries like Bangladesh have taken the initiative to expand and focus on these areas over the past several years, and continued efforts will be needed to expand existing facilities, as well as improve human resource capacity.
IDEB and CPSC always focus on addressing the current issues and challenges related to skills, technology and employment and try to extract the solutions for guiding the nations. To address these trends, based on the encouraging responses of the participants from the CPSC member countries and success of the first and second joint conference in 2015 and 2017, IDEB and CPSC has planned to organize the 3rd Joint Regional Program on “Equipping Future Workforce with 21st Century and Technopreneurship Skills Through Quality TVET Programs” and International Conference on “Skills Readiness for Achieving SDG & Adopting IR 4.0” on February 2-6, 2020. The events will cover issues of emerging technologies and industry, the types of skills needed to succeed in a fast-changing world, the role of technopreneurship and private and public sector investment in industry as well as in TVET, and how to plan TVET strategies for future changes in skills and work.
At the end of the program, the participants will be able to:
- Prepare TVET 4.0 to address IR 4.0
- Internalize the need of 21st century skills with focus on technopreneurship
- Enhance TVET Quality Management System (QMS) to address SDGs
- Internalize the importance of greening practices in TVET Institutions
The expected outcome of the regional program is to:
- Application of 21st century skills focusing on technopreneurship, IR 4.0, and quality management system to improve the quality of TVET graduates
The expected outputs of the program are:
- International conference declaration and proceedings
- Action plan on implementation of 21st century skills, technopreneurship skills, and quality TVET programs
The spiral learning approach will be used to deliver the program, start by mentioning a cluster of rough ideas, including some applications as well as some fundamental building blocks and finally, a self-directed learning approach through action planning. The main contents of the program are:
Theme Papers
- Theme Paper 1: Greening TVET for Sustainable Development
- Theme Paper 2: Technopreneurship in TVET to Boost Enterprises
- Theme Paper 3: Curriculum Development Incorporating 21st Century Skills
Group Works
- Group Work 1: SWOT analysis on Greening TVET
- Group Work 2: Formulate strategies to boosting enterprises through Technopreneurship
- Group Work 3: Formulate strategies to integrate 21st century skills in TVET curriculum
International Conference on Skills Readiness for Achieving SDGs and Adopting IR 4.0