The Colombo Plan Staff College (CPSC) in coordination with the Department of Technical and Vocational Education and Training of the Ministry of Science and Technology (DTVET-MOST), Myanmar completed the implementation of the Online In-Country Program for Myanmar on Research Methodology for TVET Leaders and Teachers last June 19 to 23, 2023. The program was conducted via Zoom platform and was attended by a total of 30 TVET practitioners from Burmese TVET schools, technical training institutions, and centers.
The program was primarily designed to help participants in determining and understanding the fundamentals of research methodology; familiarize themselves with the research frameworks; and understand the demand of the workforce in TVET via various research methodology techniques. In crafting the program design, CPSC has directed the goal for the participants to be able to formulate research outputs based on a well-established research framework that is based on their institutional and organizational vision, mission and strategic goals and objectives.
The program was jointly supervised by CPSC Director General Prof. G.L.D. Wickramasinghe, and DTVET-MOST Director and Head of the Curriculum Development Section, Dr. Pyae Kyaw Thu. CPSC Governing Board-Engaged Faculty Consultant, Dr. Kesavan Ulaganathen served as the Program Coordinator and Resource Person. Local coordination was done by the DTVET-MOST led by the Deputy Director of the Curriculum Development Division, Dr. Maw Maw Tun. Resource persons that were engaged in the program to deliver the theme papers include: CPSC Project-Based Faculty Consultant, Prof. Romulita C. Alto, Ed.D.; School of Industrial Training and Education (SITE) Principal, Dr. Nay Zar Aung; and Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Associate Professor Dr. Imran Mohd Ibrahim.

During the opening ceremony on June 19, 2023, key officials from CPSC and DTVET-MOST attended the program. In his opening remarks, Prof. Wickramasinghe warmly welcomed the participants and the officials from Myanmar under DTVET-MOST. He expressed CPSC’s appreciation to Myanmar, specifically the embassy of Myanmar in the Philippines for its continued support to CPSC in providing training programs. Moreover, Dr. Nyan Win Than, Deputy Director of MOST, Myanmar extended his gratitude to CPSC for continuously providing quality training programs for Myanmar TVET leaders of the future. In his special remarks, Chief Guest Hon. San Yu Kyaw, Charge d’affaires and Minister Counsellor of the Embassy of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar in the Philippines graciously thanked Prof. Wickramasinghe for his great leadership and management for successfully implementing two In-Country Programs for Myanmar this year. He also wished good luck for the participants in the upcoming training days.

The five-day training program revolved around providing light and understanding key fundamental concepts and frameworks in research methodology, research writing, and research publications. Prof. Wickramasinghe delivered a special lecture entitled: An Overview of Research Methodology while Dr. Kesavan Ulaganathen facilitated the discussion of the following theme papers: How to Perform Literature Review; and Current Trend in Workforce in TVET. Prof. Romulita Alto on the other hand delivered the following theme papers: Basic Research Methodology; and Data Analysis and Validation in Research. Dr. Nay Zar Aung presented Competency and Strategies for Myanmar Workforce in TVET, and finally, Dr. Imran discussed: Research Methodology Approach Using K-Chart Technique; and Research Publication (Journals, Citation, and References).
Photo of Dr. Imran Mohd Ibrahim facilitating the lecture on Research Methodology Using K-Chart Approach

Online group workshops were incorporated in the sessions to supplement the learnings inculcated during the lectures. These include a workshop on research methodology, data analysis, and identification of issues and challenges in the current demand and supply of the workforce in TVET using research tools and frameworks. The last workshop was for the participants to create an action plan in the means of a simple research proposal. These were presented during the last day of the training and were reviewed and commented on by the program facilitators.

The closing ceremony was facilitated by CPSC on June 23, 2023. As part of the program, some of the participants have shared their learnings and reflections throughout the training course. DTVET-MOST Deputy Director of the Curriculum Development Division Dr. Maw Maw Tun delivered the Vote of Thanks. During his closing remarks, Program Coordinator and Resource Person Dr. Kesavan Ulaganathen wished the participants good luck in their future endeavors and hoped that they will be able to utilize all the learnings and knowledge they have gained in the training. He also expressed his utmost gratitude to the organizers of the training, especially to the DTVET-MOST in another successful collaboration with CPSC.