In line with the Colombo Plan Staff College’s continued commitment in rebuilding the ravaged Marawi City through the Future Movers Program (FMP), it has successfully organized the first Training of Trainers (ToT) from April 6-8, 2021 via Zoom. A total of 27 TVET experts, administrators and instructors of Technical and Vocational Institutes (TVIs) in Marawi City and surrounding provinces of Lanao del Sur, Philippines participated in the three-day program.
CPSC spearheaded the conduct of the ToT program with the aim of equipping TVET teachers with modern tools, techniques, and approaches to enhance the quality of TVET education. It was designed for the professional development of TVI teachers responsible to deliver quality TVET training in the Marawi Region of the Philippines. The program was designed to enhance the professionalism in instructional methodologies and pedagogies of TVI teachers who are qualified in their respective fields. In addition, the participants was equipped with the skills in using different teaching learning strategies, methods, techniques and tools.
The training was supervised by Dr. Ramhari Lamichhane, CPSC Director General and coordinated by Engr. Sanyog Bhattarai, CPSC Faculty Specialist with additional learnings provided by Engr. Abdul Ghani Rajput, CPSC Faculty Specialist.
Ms. Lourdes Mission, Chairperson, Mindanao TVET Association (MINTVET), graced the event as a special guest. In in her remarks during the opening ceremonies, she conveyed that the “objectives of conceptualizing this capacity building program for trainers is true worth of everyone’s support”. She also expressed MINTVET’s support to the project as it is in line with their mission to further improve the vocational arena in Mindanao.
Topics tackled during the duration of the three-day program included: (1) Effective Teaching and Learning Management of TVET Trainers; (2) Vocational Pedagogy Based Instructional Methods and Processes; (3) Application of ICT Tools in Effective Training Delivery and (4) Demonstrating Instructional Competencies to Impart KSA. The participants were also asked to draft a session plan to apply the lessons into actual practice.
The event was concluded with a closing ceremony attended by key TESDA officials and guests, in addition to the officials of CPSC and ASSIST.
Dir. Perla V. Lucas, Director of the National TVET Teachers Training Academy (NTTA) of the Technical Education and Skills Authority (TESDA), PhiIippines graced the closing ceremonies. Dir. Lucas acknowledged, the success of the program, she said that “TESDA appreciated these convergence of activities spearheaded by their partners that helped them attain their mandate in providing “relevant, accessible, high-quality and efficient technical education and skills development programs to the Filipino people”.
Mr. Francis Macatulad, Director of ASSIST, affirmed the commitment of the Future Movers’ Project in advancing the complete recovery of Marawi City through skills training and expressed his optimism about the program’s success.
Dr. Ramhari Lamichhane in his closing speech expressed his sincerest gratitude to all the participants, the FMP consortium, the special guests from MINTVET and TESDA and the CPSC team for devoting their time for such a valuable endeavor. He congratulated the participating TVIs and remarked that “…now the TVI trainers have graduated from this training as master trainers, and can implement the skills training program for the internally displaced youth in Mindanao especially in Marawi!”.
Some representatives of the TVIs holding a signed copy of the MoA with the Future Movers’ Project.
The program also featured the online signing of the Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) between the Future Movers Project and the following TVIs: (1) Dansalan Synergy; (2) RLM Multi-Skills Training and Assessment Center Inc.; (3) Kakadatu Technical School and Assessment Center; (4) Marawi Skills Training and Assessment Center Service Cooperative; (5) H. Hassan Institute of Technology Inc., (6) Hope Healthcare Institute Inc., (7) Sunlight Training Skills and Assessment Center, (8) Amin Multi-Skills Institute of Technology and (9) Ramain Skills Institute of Technology.
Feedback from the Participants

"The objectives of the program were achieved. As the theme papers were discussed, we understood exactly where the gaps are, specifically the ICT and the application of modern tools and resources. The Mentimeter was interesting. Majority of the TVIs in Marawi are small businesses and entrepreneurial institutions. Given the partnership, we hope that you can help us in addressing the gaps to make our learners work-ready. Most exciting part is the training plan. Everybody prepared it and we are able to deliver"

“We are pleased to be included in the training. From the topics discussed by the speakers, we learned a lot even though sometimes we cannot cope because of internet connectivity. However, we are very thankful to the training and to the persons that made the training possible.”